Nuclear and Radiation Safety Agency and Tajik State Medical University in cooperation with International Atomic Energy Agency conducted a national train-the-trainers course for lecturers of future Educational and Training Center on Radiation Protection in the frame of national project TAD/0/003 “Establishing a National Educational and Training Centre on Radiation Protection”, which took place from 28 June to 2 July 2010 in Khoja-Obi-Garm sanatorium. The participants of that training course were persons who were trained through IAEA training courses, fellowships and scientific visits.
The training course was attended by representatives of:
- Tajik State Medical University MH RT
- State Institution «Oncological Scientific Center» MH RT
- Republican Scientific Centre for Cardiovascular and Thoracic Surgery, MH RT
- Institute of Gastroenterology, MH RT
- Ministry of Health of the Republic of Tajikistan
- Physical and Technical Institute under Academy of Sciences RT
- Tajik National University
- Committee of Emergency Situations and Civil Defense under the Government of RT
- Nuclear and Radiation Safety Agency (State Regulatory Authority) AS RT.
The purpose of training course was:
- Development of teaching capabilities of future trainers
- Providing them an opportunity to make a presentation on radiation protection requirements in different fields as medicine, industry, agriculture, education and science, illicit trafficking and others
- Participants were familiarized with international and national requirements in the field of radiation protection
Obtained knowledge and teaching capabilities of participants will be used in Educational and Training Center on Radiation Protection which is establishing under Institute of Gastroenterology, MH RT in the frame of national project TAD/0/003, financed by IAEA. The duration of the project is 3 years, during 2009-2011 cycles.
The purpose of present educational and training center on radiation protection establishment is development, preparation and training of sufficient human resources to strengthen the radiation safety and radiation protection infrastructure in Tajikistan.