Training on methods for detection of radiation sources for staff directly carrying out control functions, 23-27 April 2012, Dushanbe, Tajikistan
A regional workshop for Afghan and Tajik border guards, customs officers and radiation security regulators held in Dushanbe, Tajikistan. The course was conducted for staff directly carrying out control functions, and the main topic was “Training of trainers to courses on radiation detection techniques”
The objective of the conducted seminar was to familiarize border officials, customs officers, regulatory authorities and other services working on the border of Afghanistan and Tajikistan with the basic characteristics of radioactive materials, radiation detection devices, and with further training of competent employees.
The following IAEA experts participated in the course:
Mr Damir Zaredinov
Mr Yuriy Склянчук
Mr Vyacheslav Levodeanhi
Mr Vitali Stratan
Mr Dorel Popescu
The seminar contains the following topics:
- Formal opening,
- Legislative Framework for Nuclear Security,
- Characteristics of nuclear and radioactive materials,
- Health and safety issues in handling radioactive materials,
- Export control and nuclear security,
- Detection devices for illicit trafficking in nuclear and other radioactive materials,
- Practical demonstration of equipment,
- Practical training on detection of radioactive materials,